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发布人:丁秋菊           发布时间:2014-09-11        点击量:


Student Exchange Program with Tulane University


I. Number of Exchange Students

Two (2) exchange students for each semester.

II. Selection of Participants

Participation in the Student Exchange Program (hereinafter refer to Program) is limited to those students:

a) Undergraduate students in their third year or higher;

b) Graduate students.

III. Qualifications

1. All candidates for the Student Exchange Program to Tulane University must be enrolled in their third bachelor year or higher of law studies at CUPL and will be in good academic standing, as reflected in approximately the top third of the class for all completed law school work.

2. If taking courses with English language requirements, all candidates must have suitable levels of language ability for the study of such subjects at Tulane University.

All candidates should submit the following test scores as evidence of their English language proficiency to Faculty of International Law (TOEFL/IELTS scores are only valid for 2 years from the test date):

a) The minimum scores for Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) should be as follows:

1. 577 for the paper-based test; or

2. 233 for the computer-based test; or

3. 90 for the internet-based test

b) The minimum overall score for International English Language Testing System (IELTS) should be 7.

IV. Application  

The semester 2 of Faculty of Law of Tulane University in 2014-2015 will begin in January 2015 so the candidates who wish to participate in the Program must submit all the application documents to the Faculty of International Law, CUPL before 10 October, 2014.

V.  Application Checklist:

1. Copy of passport, or if not available at time of application, a copy of a state-issued identification card, such as a driver's license

2. Copy of Transcript

3. Application form signed

4. Completed Application Form and Personal Statement

5. Letter of authorization from home law school. Note: the letter of authorization may be sent separately.

6. For candidates attending institutions where the language of instruction is not English: official report of TOEFL score, including TWE (TSE is optional, but recommended). Note: official report to be sent by ETS to Tulane Law School.

7. Statement of Adequate Funding.     

 Please note: The applicants could download the application form from the website. http://www.law.tulane.edu/surveys/llms/index.aspx?ekfrm=16778Postgraduate students should submit the official academic records of previous law school and undergraduate education. Letters of recommendation by professors of the law school should be submitted meanwhile. Make sure you have included all required documents before sending your application to the Faculty of International Law, CUPL so that we can process the applications promptly.

V.  Fees and Expenses

1.  No tuition fees will be charged by Law School of Tulane University. Exchange students shall be personally responsible for covering the following costs and expenses at Tulane University:

a) housing and meals;

b) travel expenses between the two institutions;

c) hospitalization and health insurance;

d) books and program materials;

e) equipment and consumables;

f) passport and visa costs; and

g) all other incidental expenses arising out of the exchange.

2. Exchange Students will be required to provide evidence that they possess sufficient funds to cover the reasonable costs and other personal expenses during their stay at Faculty of Law Tulane University.

VI. Contact Information

The contact details are as follows:

Admissions Officer: DING, Qiuju

Email: vera335@163.com

Tel: (+86)-010-58908198

Office: Room A533 in the New Academic and Research on the campus of Graduate School

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