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发布人:国际法学院门户管理员           发布时间:2012-05-06        点击量:

发布者:国际法学院门户管理员   发布时间:2012-03-01 15:57   

China's global economic leadership, China's role in international-rule-making, international norms with Chinese characteristics——Is China Ready for a Beijing Round?

Brief Introduction:

After China’s accession of WTO and other economic institutions, China has embraced the rules and norms which helped guide us towards incredible economic growth and integration into the world economy. During the past years, China has mainly played by the rules of multilateralism and contributed to the international economic system. But the Relationship is two-way; China has been called as “free-rider” because we have been a beneficiary of the existing rules and standards as we modernized our economy. On the other aspect, there also exist concerns about China reshaping the rules and norms which suits us best.

 Yet just playing by the rules is insufficient in today’s global economic. China has gained a sheer size but till now China still demonstrated as a developing country pursuing its own interests. Is China ready to face with a Beijing Round which initiates China’s first step to show its determination in global economic leadership? If yes, what will China be faced with and are these in consistence with China’s state interests?

This symposium will focus on the above two questions and will also initiate discussions with specific topic such as RMB exchange problem.

This symposium will be held in both Chinese and English.

This symposium will be held at The New No.1 Building, Room B1 202, 14:00, 4th, Mar.


Hu Yupeng, Bachelor of Law, Candidate for Master of International Law.

Jin Shuangshuang, Bachelor of Arts, Candidate for Master of International Law.

Li Xu, Bachelor of Law, Candidate for Master of International Law.


Prof. Kong Qingjiang, Deputy Dean of International Law School, CUPL.


    Kou Xin, Candidate for Master of International Law.




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