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发布人:           发布时间:2019-04-03        点击量:

2019年3月25日至27日,经慕尼黑卫星导航峰会组委会邀请和全额资助,我院青年教师孔得建博士作为我国法律界的唯一代表赴德国巴伐利亚州府参加2019年慕尼黑卫星导航峰会,向大会做题为“中国卫星导航应用法律体系(Legal System of Satellite Navigation Applications in China)”的英文报告,获得大会一致好评。

The Munich Satellite Navigation Summit was succefully held from 25 to 27 March 2019 at the Alte Kongresshalle in Munich. Dr. Dejian Kong, assistant professor at School of International Law, was invited & funded as an only representative of Chinese legal community by the orginiser of 2019 Summit to give a speech on 'Legal System of Satellite Navigation Applications in China', which won wide applause from the audience.

慕尼黑卫星导航峰会是卫星导航领域最具国际影响力的重要会议之一,在国内外学术界享有较高声誉。本届峰会的主题为:“通过全球卫星导航系统增强自我(Augment Yourself wiht GNSS)”,采用分会报告和集中讨论的方式重点探究了卫星导航领域技术、政策和法律的最新进展,吸引了来自中国、欧盟、美国、俄罗斯、日本、韩国和印度等国家和地区的百余名官方代表和专家参加。

Munich Satellite Navigation Summit is a conference with global impact and high reputation dealing with satellite navigation now and in the future. The theme of 2019 Summit is 'Augument Yourself with GNSS', and it gathers hundreds of high-level experts, policy-makers and lawyers from industry, science and governments worldwdie.

今年正值慕尼黑卫星导航峰会·法律分会十周年之际,由来自于德国著名的高科技法律服务机构BHO Legal的Ingo Baumann博士和Oliver Heinrich博士共同担任主持人,先后由欧盟委员会内部市场、工业、创业和小企业总司(DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship & SMEs)伽利略和ENGOS应用、安全和国际合作局Christoph Kautz副主任、日本学习院大学(Gakushuin University)Souichirou Kozuka教授、我院青年教师孔得建博士和德国吕讷堡大学(Leuphana University)Lesley Jane Smith教授发言。

2019 Summit marks the marks the 10th Anniversary of the Legal Session, a unique feature in world-wide GNSS conferences. As in the past years, the Legal Session was jointly hosted by Dr. Ingo Baumann and Dr. Oliver Heinrich from BHO Legal, Cologne, Germany. Mr. Christoph Kautz (Deputy Head of Unit, DG Grow, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium), Dr. Souichirou Kozuka(Professor of Law, Gakushuin University, Tokio, Japan), Dr. Dejian Kong (Assistant Professor, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, Chin) and Prof. Dr. Lesley Jane Smith (Leuphana University, Luneburg, Germany) discussed legal and regulatory developments on GNSS systems and applications.


Dr. Kong firstly made a brief introduction on the satellite navigation applicaitons in China from a technical perspective, then Dr. Kong gave a very detailed information on the constituion of China's legal system on satellite navigation applications, and further offered a few legal suggestions for non-Chinese entities conductiong activities of satellite navigation applicaitons in China. In the quesion & answer session, Dr. Kong talked about the legislation of commercial space and an important move on regulating satellite navigation applicaitons in China. In the break of the conference, the representives from different countries showed their interests in increasing communication with the China University of Political Science and Law on the legal research on satellite navigation applications.


Experts and officers from the China Satellite Navigation Office, and its the International Cooperation Center, National Remote Sensing Center of China, and National Time Service Center of China attended this Summit.

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